The day began with the Taxi coming and going before I even made it to the door. I had to call twice to get someone to send another cab over. When he arrived we took off to Bonorong Wildlife Park. When I got there, I was the only person there, aside from the wildlife caretakers. They handed me a bag of feed and told me to walk where I pleased. I immediately saw all sorts of kangaroo and wallabee (sp?) running around. Many at the sound of the bag jumped right towards me and tackled me for it. I fed who I could and kept walking around. I saw many variety of birds, reptiles, and marsupials. The whole place was a lot of fun. I saw the Tazmanian Devil and what it's like when it's hungry. They are naturally tamecreatures, but have a tendency to rough house. I got to play around with a wombat for a bit as well. They talk with their mouths so I almost got bit once.
Does anyone remember the stuffed Koala bear I had as a child? Chrissy I named it? I remember as a kid always wanting to see a real life koala and hold it. That day finally came today. I got a big birthday hug from a koala in the park who's name is... you guessed it, Chrissy! It was a momentous occasion for me. I can't help but smile. The animals were very well taken care of. The park is simply a place for rehabilitation for many of them, as they are brought in injured or abandoned. I learned a lot about the importance of taking care of these animals. The Tazmanian Devil has recently contracted a form of cancer that spreads like wildfire and they have a hard time containing the outbreak to prevent other devils from catching it. It's aready hit 65% of the population and could wipe it out within a few short years.
I then took a cab to the airport. Tazmania has a holiday today so no buses or public transport throughout the entire island. $97 to get to the aiport. Once I got there, I went through security and waited for my flight. As I began to board, the lady stopped me and said my ticket was invalid. I didnt properly check-in and so the boarding pass I had wasn't valid. I had one of two options, I could wait till tomorrow which is when the next flight out would be from that airline, or fly a different airline in the next two hours. $337 for the fligh to get back today. At least I had my boomarang.
Arriving back in Melbourne I went to a manager to complain, she refused to help. She and her staff ignored me most of the time and treated me very poorly. As long as they had my money they didnt care. I left very angry. They didnt like me when I got angry.
I took a stroll around the city centre of Melbourne. I arrived at the Crown Hotel and Casino. You can only imagine the fun I had there. I dropped off my back for free at a spot inside the hotel. 24 hour service. I first went to Eureka Tower. I took the elevator all the way up and took pictures of the city from there and then took whats called the Glass Box, or the Edge. It's literally a glass box you stand in that sticks out from the building and lets you see the city from a different view. After enjoying that, I immediately went to the Rialto Tower and went to their sky tower view. Both buildings remind me of Sears Tower in Chicago. Melbourne itself looks very similar to Chicago. On the Rialto Tower, they had a part of the sky view area closed off to a business party, so we enjoyed music being played from the party. I met a few people as well. I then headed back to Crown Hotel and relaxed for a bit. I had dinner and waited for my friends to show up to go bowling. It was a lot of fun and a good way to take my mind off things. Getting home, I was showered with a few small but special gifts. Another boomarang of different design, an Australia beanie cap, a blow up We're #1 Australia finger, a silver pen, and a cute card. My door was also decorated a bit. It's been a very long day. I will never forget everything that has happened today.
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