My last day in Australia. It was a long day, busy, and sad in the end. I met so many people. I have done things most people I know have never, and will never get to do in their lives. That morning, we celebrated my official birthday, being that time zone set things off a bit. Sasha's mom had made a special cake, that is a common cake in Australia for special occasions. I was given a bunch of birthday gifts I really enjoy. A boomarang, a blow up we're #1 hand with the flag design on it. A few other trinkets as well to remind me of my Australian home. I went to the city of Melbourne to see what I missed out on the previous night. I saw the Melbourne Gaol (pronounces "jail"), went up the Eureka and Rialto Towers, saw the Shrine of Rememberance, China Town, and just walked around. I love big cities and feel at home. After my day in the city, I headed back to the house on the train. I fell asleep and almost missed my stop which could have been a great opportunity for adventure. But not today. I went to a Fish and Chips and had fish and chips before getting picked up to go home from the train station. I enjoyed the food. The next stop was an LDS Single Adult dance. My last chance to find an Aussie wife ;-) Arriving there, I saw so many people. More than what I thought would be there. We were technically two hours late, but according to everyone, thats when most people were arriving anyways. I right away ran into a friend I made at the airport coming to Australia. He kindly introduced me to some cute girls and I met others I had become friends with on facebook.com. I was unsure at first about my dancing skills and about if I was in the mood to break out a few moves. I danced and played around and made so many more friends. I met a girl who was taller than me with black hair named Tahra. She and I talked and danced most of the night. She even was willing to take a fun picture with me.
After getting home, I began packing, and stayed up the whole night so I could sleep during the flight home. It was a long night. I thought about coming back and spending more time here. thought about possibly "accidentaly" missing my flight. But I know I'll be back. I got to the airport at 2am, and my flight wasnt till 12:15pm. I read and played some games while waiting. Two other people were waiting that early as well. The flight home was quick and painless. Next time Australia...